Labor’s 2020 Election Rorts Exposed | NT Independent
Lawler says Labor will not reimburse taxpayers for 2020 election travel rorts

Lawler says Labor will not reimburse taxpayers for 2020 election travel rorts

Chief Minister Eva Lawler says Labor will not reimburse taxpayers for the public money it used to fly former chief minister Michael Gunner to remote communities in marginal electorates on polling days in the lead up to the 2020 election because it was all too “ambiguous” and refused to condemn the conduct that was the focus of a three-year ICAC investigation.

‘This is a farce’: MLA calls for inquiry into ICAC after failure to hold Labor and Gunner accountable for election rorts

‘This is a farce’: MLA calls for inquiry into ICAC after failure to hold Labor and Gunner accountable for election rorts

Anti-corruption commissioner Michael Riches “refuses to call out misconduct, mismanagement and corruption”, an independent MLA says, despite having evidence that Territory Labor and Michael Gunner used public funds for party political purposes at the 2020 election, calling for an inquiry into the Office of the ICAC’s conduct.

‘No concluded findings’: ICAC releases first of two reports into Labor’s taxpayer-funded 2020 campaign

‘No concluded findings’: ICAC releases first of two reports into Labor’s taxpayer-funded 2020 campaign

The NT anti-corruption watchdog’s long-delayed report into Territory Labor’s taxpayer-funded 2020 election campaign has ended with “no concluded findings” of whether former chief minister Michael Gunner “did or did not engage in improper conduct”, but flagged a secret second report will be provided to current Chief Minister Eva Lawler next month concerning Labor staffers’ involvement.

Gunner’s brother-in-law approved taxpayer funds for 2020 campaign trips against rules: Internal documents

Gunner’s brother-in-law approved taxpayer funds for 2020 campaign trips against rules: Internal documents

EXCLUSIVE: Chief Minister Michael Gunner’s office orchestrated taxpayer-funded election campaign trips to marginal electorates approved by the Chief Minister’s brother-in-law, in breach of rules that prevent the misappropriation of public funds, an NT Independent investigation has uncovered.

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