Lawler says Labor will not reimburse taxpayers for 2020 election travel rorts | NT Independent

Lawler says Labor will not reimburse taxpayers for 2020 election travel rorts

by | May 23, 2024 | Labor's 2020 Election Rorts Exposed, News, NT Politics, Special Investigation, Subscriber | 6 comments

Chief Minister Eva Lawler says Labor will not reimburse taxpayers for the public money it used to fl
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  1. No responsibility taken over something that was a breach of procedures. How can you trust a Chief minister that has no regard for laws and procedures and a history of legislating to protect herself and her party.

  2. Another nail in the labor government’s coffin…. this woman(?) is NO BETTER than the other bandits before her…. where’s Paul Henderson? where’s Clare Martin? Hanging their heads in shame OR did they set the precedents for ‘ripping of the taxpayer’ shame! Shame! Shame….

  3. You would have to be a sandwich short of the picnic like Lawler to believe this BS. close down the ICAC and sack this dill he couldn’t run a chook raffle in a pub.

  4. Labor won power claiming to be open and transparent but they in fact closed and opaque.
    This is a routs scandal that should have been sorted out by ICAC but there is nothing ‘Independent’ in ICAC because they have been begging Labor for more funding.
    ICAC is a joke and this whole sorry scandal reflects poorly of the NT.

  5. Eva Lawless has more excuses than a pregnant nun. What I find truly offensive about her comments is her expectation that Territorians will stupidly believe her.

  6. Saying you believe in transparency but announcing a huge long term gas deal entered behind closed doors for a secret price…. will the voters buy it?

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