'This is a farce': MLA calls for inquiry into ICAC after failure to hold Labor and Gunner accountable for election rorts | NT Independent

‘This is a farce’: MLA calls for inquiry into ICAC after failure to hold Labor and Gunner accountable for election rorts

by | May 24, 2024 | Labor's 2020 Election Rorts Exposed, News, NT Politics, Special Investigation, Subscriber | 7 comments

Anti-corruption commissioner Michael Riches “refuses to call out misconduct, mismanagement and
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  1. NTG ALP are the NT Mafia, as spies, useful idiots & bad actors are placed in positions of power to manipulate policy, administration & committees in their favour. Michael Ritchies needs to be sacked.

  2. Gunner committed the offence, Fyles kept quiet but Lawler covered it up. Which is worse??

  3. Whats a better rebranding for the current NT ICAC?

    Incompetent Commission Against Corruption?

    Impotent Commission Against Corruption?

    Darwin Blind Society?

  4. Did he do it, yes or no.
    Was it against the rules, yes or no.
    How hard can it be?

  5. Just another joke if it was not so serious. A severe case of “don’t bite the hand that feed you”. ICAC is just another department keeping seats warm and collecting wages, all thanks to the taxpayer.

  6. ICAC operates like the last caboose on a gravy train running on a circular circuit. If it’s a personell problem fix it by replacing the fat cat controller with a vigilante man or woman.

  7. Unfortunately Mr Riches can’t or won’t accept blatant lying and disrespect aimed at himself within the ICAC so any wonder he can’t see what is corrupt in Government.

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