Letter to the editor: Container deposit scheme needs expanding

Letter to the editor: Container deposit scheme needs expanding

by | Apr 24, 2024 | Opinion | 2 comments

Dear Editor,

It is interesting to see that Queensland has expanded its container deposit scheme to cover wine and spirit bottles. There is now a push for the same thing to happen in Victoria.

Also in Queensland an online survey last year showed that 99 per cent of Queenslanders supported an expansion of the scheme which included wine and spirit glass bottles, vegetable and fruit juice, and water containers, along with wine aseptic packs but unfortunately milk containers were not included in the survey.

Whilst it would make sense if we had a national container scheme so we had uniformity in the scheme, at least in the meantime the Territory government should follow what Queensland has done by adding wine and spirit bottles and then add vegetable and fruit juice containers, and milk containers.

It has never made sense why there is a 10 cent deposit on 600ml ice coffee but nothing on 600ml milk in exactly the same container.

We need to increase the return rates of all drink containers so we have less heading for landfill and more heading for recycling. Which party or candidates will promise to do something in the lead up to the upcoming election?

Gerry Wood, Howard Springs

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  1. hmm me thinks that Jerry is to comfortable sitting back on his taxpayer funded super and forgets that the levi eventually is paid by the end user in a price increase,the refund is mostly now paid on luxury’s like beer,coke,iced coffee,We don’t need it on things like plain milk which are an essential items and to suggest to put up the price of 2 ltrs of milk is a tad strange to say the least.

  2. What a silly letter, how much of this stuff does Gerry think actually gets recycled, it just ends up in the dump by a very expensive route.

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