ICAC confirms TRG awards 'racist', defends controversial joint NT Police investigation | NT Independent

ICAC confirms TRG awards ‘racist’, defends controversial joint NT Police investigation

by | Mar 26, 2024 | News, Subscriber | 5 comments

The Territory’s anti-corruption commissioner has provided a running commentary about his contr
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  1. What part of the ICAC Act gives the Commissioner jurisdiction to investigate claims of racism?

    Getting major Fleming vibes – “anyone who says contrary to [Black Lives Matter] is guilty of corrupt behaviour”

    • Surely the inquiry should go back to 2000, after all it is the constables of that era that are now the brass.

  2. Absolute hard-ball against those who risk their lives daily (and were probably in their 20s) but no investigation into a limp current minister who was ‘was in his 20s and “on a journey”’. This government needs to stop throwing those, who are doing the hard work under the Bus.
    These guys had their private awards, knowing that the majority of their tasks were to deal with these poor ‘first nations renegades’ whilst Potsy formed his opinion in an Internationally focussed unit but still chose to comment whilst Norforce stood at his side.
    The NT ICAC is an office which investigates only ordinary people and the connected and elite continue their corruption and invincibilty, at the expense of average people, whilst claiming Parliamentry Privilege.
    All of this from a Government who promised to be ‘transparent’. ‘What a web we weave when we try to deceive’
    Please leave our underfunded, under-staffed, under-supported, over-worked and totally dedicated Police Force to identify where their focus needs to be without identifying them as ‘RACIST’.
    Racist is a term which refers to emotion and attitude not FACT. Just ask Potsy, but he was ‘growing’ at that stage.

  3. Can’t trust NT Darwin TRG

    2015-16 Darwin TRG was unethically given free access to Darwin Waterfront Wharf 1 & 2 TOGA Apartments (approx. 260), without a warrant, by DWC Wharf 1 Chairperson under the guise of catching drug mules? Why were listening devises put in Parkside Wharf 2 (B5) owners apartments without evidence of any criminality except alleging body corporate bullying & money laundering. How can NT ICAC Michael Riches be trusted, this NTG Mafia colludes for profit & self-interest.

  4. In Parliament on 12 March 2024 Chief Minister Eva Lawler said that, apart from a very few, all Territorians are racists. This includes the ICAC, Police and Labor Party Members. There is no need for an enquiry, we are all racists (according to the CM).

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