Labor failing to effectively deliver Closing the Gap outcomes: Auditor General | NT Independent

Labor failing to effectively deliver Closing the Gap outcomes: Auditor General

by | May 20, 2024 | Alice, Business, News, Subscriber | 3 comments

The Territory Labor Government has failed to effectively implement federal Closing the Gap measures
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  1. The problem is that when anybody examines the gap, all they find is heaps of welfare, free education all the way to a doctorate, and better health facilities than the rest of the population. Most importantly million dollar homes you can destroy at will. There is just no gap left to throw money in.

  2. If NT Labor does not believe in or support race based policy and legislation then how can they close the gap? Tax payers dollars must be distributed equally and the law applied to us all. NT Labor uses the gap to win votes by scaring people and telling them that Labor is the only party that can help disadvantage but the reality is that Labor need the gap, they want the gap.

    • as we get closer to the elections, and because due to social media and other digital communications our memories are mirroring goldfish and last about 30seconds, it would be great if the NT independent would produce a list of government failures, unlawful acts, indiscretions and other failures prior to the election , and so that it is a fair and balance look …. the same list for the opposition….
      just a thought!!

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