CLP president resigns days before by-election over party's opposition to Indigenous Voice to Parliament | NT Independent

CLP president resigns days before by-election over party’s opposition to Indigenous Voice to Parliament

by | Mar 13, 2023 | News, NT Politics, Subscriber | 8 comments

CLP president Lawson Broad has spectacularly quit the Country Liberal Party just days out from a cru
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  1. As Rowan Dean discussed on Outsiders on Sky News yesterday morning, the National Indigenous Australians Agency is already performing all the tasks that have been flagged for the Voice. So, why is Albo and his entourage not giving the NIAA a higher profile instead of creating another agency to do the same jobs? More taxpayer money for something that already exists – doesn’t compute!

  2. As Janet Albrechtsen has commented in The Australian, proponents of the Yes vote for the voice are hell bent on avoiding the substantive arguments against the voice. Rather, they seem content to smear, and insult those that oppose this substantive and ill – explained change to the Constitution as racists! This includes Aboriginal people opposed to ‘one voice’. Sound familiar?

    • I think his attitude is far from progressive. Fear of being called racist has stalled proper debate in the NT for decades. Making decisions that affect everyone else never raises attention.

  3. Oh yer don’t let the door hit you on your ass on the way out.

  4. Doesn’t seem like anything of value was lost. Bye.

  5. What is racist about wanting more information about how substantial changes to the Australian Constitution are likely to affect our system of government and the rights of all Australians?

  6. No loss, was not worth his pay packet.

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