Youth curfew no longer 'madness' Chansey Paech says as Chief Minister flags other towns could use them | NT Independent

Youth curfew no longer ‘madness’ Chansey Paech says as Chief Minister flags other towns could use them

by | Apr 4, 2024 | Alice, News, NT Politics, Subscriber | 5 comments

Attorney General Chansey Paech has backflipped on his previous position that a youth curfew is ̶
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  1. Great idea
    Lock the Territory down every night between 6pm and 6am
    Close the pubs, servos, restaurants and public transport
    It will be an absolute boom to the 40 billion dollar economy
    The place will become paradise and all the rampant young criminals will become passive and community conscious
    Or maybe you lock the little buggers up and give them a serious taste of what recriminations are and let the rest of us get on with trying to restore this place to a semblance of what is was before this bunch of clueless fools heaped their garbage ideas upon us

  2. What’s happening with Labor CM’s? They have a brain fart and suddenly it’s the best idea in the country so they continue to roll out more of the same and ignore the big picture. We’ve had enough of liquor laws that don’t work and now this farce that just shifts the problems to the suburbs while stretching police resources further than before.

    • While I agree Alice needed a circuit breaker, I do not think this should be implemented Territory wide. We should not punish the many for the actions of a few. Most kids are good kids, most are not breaking into houses, assaulting others.

      6pm rolls around and you need to be home – that cancels footy training, soccer training, trips to the cinemas on a Fri/Sat night with their mates.
      Where do you draw the line?

      Time for the softly softly approach on crime to stop. Time to actually get tough on crime and start locking these kids up, implement boot camps/military schools, give them non-voluntary community service, make them accountable for their actions.

  3. Pack of Clowns desperately trying to hang onto power, you would have to be a brain dead fool to vote them back in

  4. Do not believe anything that Paech says.
    He is the most dishonest politician the NT has every had.
    If you disagree, name another politician who speaks about the harm alcohol does and then buys shares in a grog company. Someone who rages about race based policy but pores millions and millions dollars into mobs and organisations that benefit one one race.
    Find someone who has caused more alcohol related harm and deaths in Alice Springs and his Labor stooges?
    Paech was dragged kicking and screaming to this curfew and now, to his shame, he supports it. He should have resigned if he felt so strongly about race based policy. He is totally amoral.

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